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Why Quebec Govt. Suspended CAQ for 10 famous colleges?

Few important things to know about Montreal | THE TRACKERS


In the last few days, the government of Canada has declared suspension on the Quebec CAQ until 31 March 2021. But most of the students does not have the right information regarding the CAQ Update. So to clarify most of the misconceptions of the students and controversy spread in the market.


Please watch the video – Why Quebec Govt. Suspended CAQ for 10 famous colleges?



And most of the students are also worried about what should be their next step while Canada government has recently taken a decision on CAQ suspension.


Mr. Achint Goel has tried his best to address most of the problems and doubts of students.


Their main concerns are –

  1.  Do students need to wait till the decision?
  2. Do students need to apply for a refund of their college fees?
  3. Do students need to Change their college immediately?

To solve all their issues, then you can watch our latest video on youtube here


If you still face any other problem or you have any doubts regarding your case, you can contact our Experts on 84374-84374.

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